FNF Soviet Cartoons Movie | SC Movie – Play Online & Download MOD

FNF Soviet Cartoons Movie

FNF Soviet Cartoons Movie is a lighthearted and humorous mod inspired by the SC MOVIE series created by Turron Eater. This mod is a playful take on the fun and camaraderie shared among the developers of the SC MOVIE series, and while it may not be available for public viewing just yet, this mod gives players a taste of the humor and creativity that goes into the series.

  • One Song Mod: The mod features a single song that captures the essence of the SC MOVIE series. While it’s a short experience, it’s packed with the quirky humor and playful spirit that fans of the series will appreciate.
  • Humorous Theme: True to the style of the SC MOVIE series, this mod is a joke mod, meant to be enjoyed for its silliness and light-hearted fun rather than as a serious challenge.
  • Simple Installation: To play, simply place the mod in the Psych Engine mod folder, and you’re good to go.
  • Creative Team: The mod’s sprites were created by the mod author, the song was composed by @6yjlkob, and coding was handled by @Andra_AKA_Lord_Gevorkovich. Together, they’ve crafted a fun little experience that captures the spirit of the SC MOVIE series.