Daughter and Step Mother – GF Baby VS Sky – Animation

Daughter and Step MotherGF Baby VS Sky – New FNF animation created by Pamination St, which includes a rather macabre version of what would happen if BF and GF had a baby (a mini-GF) and then Sky appeared as stepmother. In this animation we will find the baby version of several famous MODS characters from the FNF.

Daughter and Step Mother - GF Baby VS Sky FNF Animation

This time, Pamination brings us a story in which we will find a Girlfriend daughter (baby version) who after enduring the death of her mother GF, as if this were not enough, has to live with Sky as stepmother, which will lead to a rather crazy event…

Watch Daughter and Step Mother (GF Baby VS Sky) FNF Animation


This fun animation by Pamination features a bunch of characters we already know like Flippy or Ruv, and the baby version of some others like GF baby, Ruv baby, and Spooky baby. It is an animation that is divided in two parts. In the second part we will see BF and GF on a walk in the woods while they bother the Spooky brothers, who are camping.