Download FNF Triple Lullaby – New MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that includes a new cover for FNF, can you guess what song it is? Below you can read all the information about this MOD and its most interesting aspects.
Triple Lullaby offers us a new song that includes a cover of “Triple Trouble” performed by the characters that appear in the MOD Hypno’s Lullaby: Hypno, Missingno, Gold and GF. It is a song that includes vocals and sound effects that sound great, especially Hypno’s vocals, which stand out from the rest of the characters. This cover offers a high level of difficulty with a fairly high arrow speed.
Graphically, FNF Triple Lullaby offers a new custom background along with a custom home screen. In addition, we will have Hypnos Lullaby character design with modified animations to participate in this cover. It is a MOD that stands out especially for including a musical challenge and a cover based on a MOD that everyone loves.
New features of Triple Lullaby FNF MOD
- New Week
- New Cover:
- Hypnos Lullaby x Triple Trouble
- Custom Background
Download Triple Lullaby for Friday Night Funkin’
Latest MOD updates
- v1.0 – FULL WEEK