FNF Sonic Legacy (Rodentrap) – Play Online & Download

FNF Sonic Legacy

FNF Sonic Legacy is a new MOD for Friday Night Funkin’ that is presented in first instance as FNF Rodentrap, in which we will have to face the normal version of Sonic. However, and after getting through the first song, Sonic.EXE appears on the scene to show us the true nature of the MOD.

After defeating Sonic.EXE, we will access the final scene of the MOD, in which we will be able to see quite a few interesting details inside an interactive room. In this room we are allowed to see the content of different elements, such as the books on the shelf or the music in the player among other things. In addition, the character in the scene has personalized dialogues for the different interactions. It is undoubtedly a quite different content to what other MODs have accustomed us.

The most curious detail of this MOD is undoubtedly its initial deception both in the cover of the game, as in the name of the MOD. Once you have passed the entire MOD, it has the little secret that the initial screen of the game changes to the original (Sonic Legacy). Undoubtedly, a nice reversal of the original Sonic.EXE MOD, one of the most famous in history.

Credits of FNF Sonic Legacy

FNF Sonic Legacy Credits

Category Name
Directors joedoughboi
Director, Artist Doorknob
Director, Artist Gibz
Director, Charter Raven
Artists Adrix
Artist ScorchVx uPic
Artist, Programmer PaigeyPaper
Artist, Animator MochaDrawss
Artist Rhysamath
Artist Erick Animations
Artist CommandoDev
Artist Red3127
Musicians Bwend
Musician Sturm
Musician MarStarBro
Programmers Sector03 uPic
Programmer DuskieWhy uPic
Programmer Data
Voice Actors RedTV53
Shady guy Voice Landy
Fake Sonic Voice Madzilla